
Freemarker is an almost-logicless that template language used to create markup that results in HTML output. In essence it is plain text HTML with some tokens that insert content from a model map object or call some template functions. The most commonly used model map is the content for the current page or component in Magnolia, so it’s really straightforward to create HTML that outputs the values the content authors have entered into the pages.

Freemarker files have a file extension of .ftl and are UTF-8 encoded text. There is no specific start or end markers in the file, and they can be edited with anything that can modify UTF-8 text.

This text only deals with using Freemarker with Spring Blossom in Magnolia. There are other ways and other usages. Other template languages are available but Freemarker is generally considered the preferred way to create Magnolia templates and components.

Freemarker is almost-logicless in the sense that although it does have if-tests, iterators, and variable assignments it’s not really possible to do a great deal without backing it with some Java code to populate models and provide functions that can be called in the template. Ultimately, if it’s hard to do in Freemarker it should probably be in Java code anyway.

Define an area

An area in Magnolia consists of an area marker in the Freemarker template, and an area definition in Spring Blossom.

To define an area named ‘main’ add it to the .ftl file:

[@cms.area name="main" /]

This will do exactly zero - it’s not an error to define an unused area, and you won’t get a warning. To make the area do something, you need to add some code.

    @Area(value = "main", title = "Main")
    public static class MainArea {

        public String render() {
            return "pages/main.ftl";

This will add an area ‘main’ with a title of ‘Main’ as a Controller defined as a static class MainArea which has a unique internal request mapping of ‘/page/main’. This with render the Freemarker in ‘pages/main.ftl’.

List areas

In some areas it’s desirable to be able to add a number other components and display them in order. This is possible by changing the area type to ‘list’ in the declaration of the area:

@Area(value = "sidebar", title = "Sidebar", type = AreaType.LIST)

This enables the option to add components to the area, and permits only ‘SidebarComponent’ as an option. After components are added, the Freemarker script is then able to iterate over the components the page author has added with very little effort:

[#list components as component ]
    [@cms.component content=component /]

This will work regardless of the type of components in the list.

Current Page in Freemarker

Sometimes it’s necessary to get the current page or path to the page within Freemarker, in order to check it, use it as a parameter to a function call, or other reasons. For retrieving relative path for the current page use the following.


For retrieving Absolute path for the current page use the following. Note that this is URL here, not URI as it is in the previous example.


Including other Freemarker files

It’s really easy to include other files, such as common markup, boilerplate, or macro definitions.

[#include "other.ftl" ]

This will include the file at the current location in the script.

You can conditionally include by wrapping this in an if-test. If you needed to include a file only in the edit mode and not in preview or on the public site then you could write code similar to this:

[#if cmsfn.isEditMode() ] 
[#include "editmode.ftl" ]

If you wanted to include it only in preview/public mode and not in edit mode, you can just invert the if-test thus:

[#if !cmsfn.isEditMode() ] 
[#include "noteditmode.ftl" ]

CMS Init markup

Magnolia needs to perform CMS init functions to add JS, CSS, and so on to the head of the page. This is done with a Freemarker function.

[@cms.init /]

Output a value in Freemarker

The markup needed to display some plain text in Freemarker is very simple:


The $... defines the output, and the ! tells Freemarker that the alternative to content.title is an empty string because there is nothing between the ! and the closing brace. The value ‘content.title’ is the title property and is automatically added to the model by Magnolia.

Display rich text in Freemarker

Rich text is text that contains HTML markup, and requires special treatment in Freemarker. In order to display it it needs to be decoded, and the decode function fails if the property is not set. First the if-test checks if the property has content, then if it does ithe cmsfn function decodes and displays the text.

[#if content.text?has_content]

This will work whether the text property contains rich text or if it is missing.

Java webapp context path

If you are using a .war file many application servers will set the ‘context path’ to the name of the .war file. This will change your URLs particularly during development and can be problematic. The easiest way to correct this is to add the context path to all link href and src attributes in Freemarker.


For example, to link to the home page, this would produce a suitable link.

<a href="${contextPath!}">Home</a>

Defining a macro

Macros are an easy and convenient way to define something that is used over and over again in a clean and clear manner.

[#macro mymacro number=1 truthy=true string="a string" ]
    [#if truthy]

This macro is named ‘mymacro’. It takes three parameters, all of which are optional as they have defaults. If the second parameter ‘truthy’ is passed to the macro it will display the number (which defaults to 1), otherwise it will display the string value. Ok, this is a highly convoluted example and largely unrealistic but I think it conveys what a macro might look like particularly after a series of iterations. Macros tend to evolve and as they are used elsewhere it can be difficult to cleanly refactor them so don’t be surprised if you do eventually come across an example like this one ‘in the wild’.

Calling a macro

All of these are valid invokations of the macro we just defined. Macros can be called with named or positional parameters. If the parameters are named then the order doesn’t matter. Parameters with defaults don’t need to be set unless when using positional parameters when it would change the position.

[@mymacro truthy=false]
[@mymacro number=2]
[@mymacro string="a different string"]
[@mymacro 2 false "a different string"]
[@mymacro truthy=false number=2]
[@mymacro number=2 truthy=false]

All these statements will use the macro, with the output changing depending on the parameters.

Assigning a variable

You can assign values to named variables if it helps make your templates more readable. This is especially useful if you use the variable more than one.

[#assign mytitle = content.title!]

This example will output the value of content.title.

Further reading

There is plenty of information online and rather than reproduce the entire Freemarker or Magnolia reference material, here are some handy links to help you find out more.

You can find the canonical reference to Freemarker here:

The Magnolia Freemarker documentation is also very useful: