
What is JUnit?

JUnit is a testing framework for running unit tests. Unit tests are highly focussed test cases designed to check that given a known state, when a single action is performed, then the state is change to another known state.

The preferred spelling for JUnit appears to be ‘JUnit’ with a capital J and U according to the official website http://junit.org/. It doesn’t appear to matter greatly unless you are particularly pedantic, and it’s so frequently written ‘junit’ mostly because that’s the name of the package and Maven dependency.

What is unit testing?

In case you didn’t know, and in case JUnit is your first exposure to writing tests, unit tests are a way to create code that runs to check your work. They take the form of code that sets up a known state, takes an action or in some cases a series of actions, and then does some checks or assertions against the post-action state or the return value.

Unit tests must be deterministic for them to be useful. because of this, they must be isolated and completely self contained. This is commonly achieved using mocks to replace anything outside the scope of the test - other libraries, external services, and anything transient. With careful planning even time can be mocked to test how things work when developing solutions that depend on long delays or operate on a schedule.

Unit tests should only test fragments of code, usually single classes or individual methods, to ensure that the logic within it is sound and reacts correctly to the input parameters and preconditions. They should not need to spider out to other classes or outside of the project into third-party libraries, which is why we use mocks to have complete control and make sure our tests are quick and reproducible.

Unit tests are infinitely more useful if they run really quickly. Faster feedback yields faster bug fixes. Modern IDEs even allow tests to run in the background if you desire, giving almost instant feedback whenever changes are mode.

The life cycle of a unit test

A unit test is first set up in a before stage, which create the necessary scaffolding around the code to be tested. This can be static values, constructing the class, and any mocks.

The second stage is to run the code from the known state set up in the ‘before’ phase’. This will execute using the provided values, and should end at the state we wish to test.

The third phase is to ‘assert’ something is true, not equal, null, not null, less than, greater than, and so on. This might be to check a return value from a method or function, or to check that it’s processed the input values correctly. There can be multiple assertions in a test suite, but they should be in separate test cases for clarity. An assertion should not change the state of the object under test.

Finally, the ‘after’ stage is used to release memory, discard objects, and clean up after the test.

What do unit tests do?

There are many ways that unit tests help developers. We run unit tests as part of our build process and reject builds that fail to help improve product quality. In doing so we get nearly instant feedback, reducing the detection time and subsequently the time to fix faults.

During development, we can configure our IDEs to run tests related to the code we are changing to get rapid feedback on the changes. This can even happen as we type code.

We can generate reports basked on the tests, and everyone loves pretty reports with graphs and colours and lines and percentages. These statistics can be used to identify common faults, regressions in the codebase, and give useful metrics to help manage growing projects.

Unit test are particularly helpful when refactoring code, as we know how badly we’ve broken it before we silently commit it to source control for the next coder to work on.

Most of all, they give us confidence that our changes aren’t just random and that we can actively prove they have logic in that works as expected.

JUnit assertions

Assertions are how you assert that the logic works. The two assertions you should use most often are assertEquals and assertThat as they give the most feedback in my experience. This is particularly true with using assertTrue to check that a collection contains a value - it tells you neither what you were looking for (the expected value), nor the contents of the collection.

Assertion: assertEquals

This is a simple assertion to check if two objects are equal.

public static void assertEquals(java.lang.Object expected,
                                java.lang.Object actual)

Asserts that two objects are equal. If they are not, an AssertionError without a message is thrown. If expected and actual are null, they are considered equal.

        expected - expected value
        actual - the value to check against expected

Don’t be tempted to put logic or calculations into here. It’s far better to make ‘actual’ a simple value or a known object. Another thing to watch for is using this with mock objects, which may not equal actual objects in the test.

Assertion: assertThat

‘assertThat’ uses Hamcrest matching to assert that the actual value is valid according to a pattern.

public static <T> void assertThat(T actual,
                                  org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> matcher)

Asserts that actual satisfies the condition specified by matcher. If not, an AssertionError is thrown with information about the matcher and failing value. Example:

       assertThat(0, is(1)); // fails:
         // failure message:
         // expected: is <1> 
         // got value: <0>
       assertThat(0, is(not(1))) // passes

    Type Parameters:
        T - the static type accepted by the matcher (this can flag obvious compile-time problems such as assertThat(1, is("a"))
        actual - the computed value being compared
        matcher - an expression, built of Matchers, specifying allowed values
    See Also:
        CoreMatchers, JUnitMatchers

It’s probably best not to use assertThat as an alternative to assertEquals. It should also be noted that the order of parameters is reversed; assertEquals expects to receive expected, actual whereas assertThat puts the actual value first.

As with all technologies (especially those considered optional, and doubly so with those that are viewed as mandatory), there are abuses that will be taken by the careless, the inexperienced, and the renegades who just want to ‘get things done’ at any cost. Sure, it looks like the tests are valid, complete, and pass but by implementing some of the possible anti-patterns it can be very deceptive. This leads to a false sense of security and makes it likely that breaking changes to the code are not reflected with a failing test.